Starting a Social Campaign #1: Define Your Goals

Whether you are starting a on social for the first time, or launching a new campaign across your channels, before you get to the exciting things, you need to define your goals for your campaign. If you know these, you’ll be able to implement and measure your campaign effectively.

Start with a list, a brain dump of all your goals. Perhaps you already have a mission statement for your social strategy and indeed, your business, so keep these in mind. Here is a helpful list to get the juices flowing:

  • To generate brand engagement
  • To generate buzz, word of mouth or advocacy from your customers
  • To change perceptions in the market
  • To generate leads or increase client base
  • To manage your reputation
  • To listen to brand sentiment
  • To enhance customer service
  • To divert a PR crisis

IAB Ireland broke these down into four areas, which I find very useful in determining what my goals are:

Social Media Campaigns

You can of course, have multiple goals, and they can cross over the above areas, however, hitting two birds with one stone isn’t actually possible.

Feel free to add to the list of goals in the comments below, I’d love to hear your feedback.

2 thoughts on “Starting a Social Campaign #1: Define Your Goals

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